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Contributions from the ludological analysis for the design of serious games.

Author: GOLDONI, D.; RIGO, S. J.; ALVES, I. M. R.

Abstract: This article aims to describe contributions that the Ludological Analysis can offer to the development of serious games. We describe a case study evaluating the characteristics of different digital Serious Games for the understanding of the main elements that make players feel challenged and motivated. This study was conducted based on the application of concepts of Ludology, seeking to validate the factors associated with the liminality, a psychological state in which the player feels so engaged in the gaming experience that focuses, almost entirely, in the game. After identifying these factors in the games analyzed in the case study, these features are mapped to the needs and possibilities in the field of education, specifically in the analysis and planning of digital Serious Games, considering that it's observation may represent improvement in the conception and use of these materials.

Key Words: Ludology, Gameplay, Serious Games.

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Complete Reference:: GOLDONI, D.; RIGO, S. J.; ALVES, I. M. R., "Melhoria no Processo de Levantamento de Requisitos para Software de Gestão Pública: Um Estudo de Caso utilizando Instruções de Trabalho", Revista de Sistemas de Informação da FSMA n 13(2014) pp. 11-20
